Talking to Kids about Divorce

If you are considering divorce, you are likely concerned about the effect it will have on your kids. Your children may feel sad, confused, angry, guilty or worried about what will happen. How you handle the changes will be important for your child’s well-being.

Gail Speaks with Common Sense Divorce Client: ‘Daphne’

Common Sense Divorce Client ‘Daphne’ is in a situation where her husband had left her suddenly and moved across the country. She realized that all of the matrimonial debt was in her name to the tune of almost one million dollars in debt.

10 Reasons to Finalize Your Uncontested Divorce

Set of keys representing home security measures after a divorce.

Many people Separate, but do not actually complete the Uncontested Divorce process. There are a number of reasons to finalize your divorce, but here are a few notable reasons that you may not have thought of.

What is a Divorce Consultant?

A Common Sense Divorce Consultant will design a divorce plan that is tailored to your unique financial situation. Get a Divorce Consultant in your corner.


How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario