The Financial Repercussions of Divorce

People tend to think of divorce only as a legal issue and to many extents it is.  But for most people divorce is much more a financial issue and one that often requires the specific expertise of a financial professional. There are financial repercussions that need to be addressed properly in your Separation Agreement.  Think about mortgage penalties, realtor fees, tax implications to just name a few.

Nobody gets married with the intention of divorcing, but the fact of the matter is that 4 out of 10 married Canadians will need to deal with the financial toll.  For more information read more by financial planner, Jason Heath in the Financial Post.

The Common Sense Divorce is a specialized mediation process that specifically emphasises the financial aspect of your separation so you can be comfortable that you are making smart financial decisions for you and your children, properly planning for your financial future and making sure you are not paying unnecessary CRA taxes because of a poorly prepared Separation Agreement.   


How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario