The Money Smart
Divorce Solution

Clear, Straightforward and Realistic Pricing

...Without Going to Court.

Our Separation and Divorce Prices


Let’s get real—divorce costs can and will add up fast, therefore it’s important to know what you’re paying for. Let’s cut through the confusion, the more lawyers are involved, the more it will cost you. From a financial perspective, Family Mediation is usually your cheapest and quickest option, while going to court with a lawyer is the most expensive and takes the longest.

When choosing a divorce process, don’t just focus on hourly rates—It’s about understanding what’s included in that rate and how much work actually gets done. Does the service offer fixed rates or package prices? How long it will take to get the job done.

You also need to watch out for hidden costs—things like drafting fees, court fees, document prep, independent legal advice or financial disclosure aren’t always included upfront. Make sure you’re comparing the full picture, not just the hourly rate.. Know what you’re getting into and pick a process that works best for your family and your budget.

Truthfully, nobody can perfectly predict exactly how much it’s going to cost you to separate… ultimately that comes down to you and your spouse. 

People often confuse complexity with amicability. The complexity of divorce entails formally addressing financial elements such as mortgages, pensions, real estate, investments, taxes, etc., as well as properly dealing with post-divorce matters such as Support, co-parenting, title changes, etc.  The amicability or acrimony of a file does not change the complexity of these issues, but will make the legal processes easier for all involved.

Thinking of Divorce? First Things First

How much a divorce will cost, how acrimonious it will be, and what the future looks like, is decided by you… right now – before your first move.


Before anything, do your homework. Know your gameplan. 

  1. Am I ready to make a decision – be it to stay or to leave?
  2. Is now the best time to separate?
  3. If I decide to stay, what are the financial, emotional or safety risks?
  4. What do I have to do to create a smart financial plan for myself (and my children?)
  5. Do I understand how Ontario Law divides our stuff; both our assets and our debts?
  6. Do I actually know what’s involved with Child or Spousal Support?
  7. Does it make sense to try and keep my home or can I make a wiser money plan?
  8. If my spouse is “difficult,” do I have a solid strategy on how to navigate through this?
  9. Can I articulate my negotiation options and then choose the wisest legal process for my situation?
  10. What can I do now to land on the best foot forward for myself (and my children?)


Gain Confidence, Clarity and a Strategic Plan
Understand Your FIRST Steps
For ONLY $399

Feeling lost in the maze of separation? Our 90 Min Divorce Discovery Zoom Session cuts through the confusion and will help you make a decision, make a plan and understand your first steps.


Discovery Session

For individuals who have not yet made a decision or need to empower themselves with the right information. The SOLO Discovery Session will answer your questions, explain Ontario Law in simple English and give you the information you need to make your next decisions. 

uidance before talking to your spouse
Understand your rights & options
Learn how to start the conversation


Discovery Session

For couples seeking a legally smart and financially-savvy divorce. Addressing misconceptions and understanding options together is invaluable. The JOINT Discovery Session will align you and your spouse with facts—not opinions— the first step towards a smarter separation.

Be on the same financial & legal page

Whether attending solo or jointly as a couple, we will help you keep your separation straight-forward, amicable and cost effective.

It’s straight talk about the legal and financial realities of divorce in Ontario.

Get the information you need to make informed decisions. Don’t guess—get real answers now.

Ready to move forward?

Book Your Discovery Session Now
1866 748-6363

The Cost of Your Divorce...

will be a combination of the following factors

  1. The level of acrimony and hostility between you and your spouse.
  2. Your willingness to work together.
  3. The Legal Processes you both choose.
  4. The amount and complexity of your financial and property issues.
  5. The extent that you involve lawyers & professionals to assist you.

Realistic and Affordable Divorce Costs in Ontario

Common Sense Divorce PLUS

High-Asset Negotiation Plan

High Asset Investments, Self-Employed, Business Owners, Investment Real Estate

Common Sense Divorce PLUS

Full Service Mediation Plan

High-Asset Negotiations specializing in High-Income Households, Self-Employed Business owners and/or couples who with Investment Real Estate Properties, that will require specialized financial and legal assistance.

Common Sense Divorce Plus

High-Asset Negotiation Services With
Specialized Professional Assistance
$9995 Each Per Spouse
  • Financial Disclosure & Review
  • Client Care & Support Services
  • 4 Mediation Sessions
  • Pre-Mediation Legal Advice
  • Home Services Session
  • CDFA Financial Session
  • Financial/Tax Session
  • Separation Memo Plan (MOU)
  • Lawyer-Drafted Separation Agreement
  • Independent Legal Review
  • Signing Session
  • Divorce Court Application
  • Additional CDFA & Legal Time
  • Access to Lunch & Learns
  • Add-ons
  • Divorce Coaching
  • Divorce Decree Application & Fees
  • Payment Plans Available

The Common Sense Divorce

Bundled Mediation Plan

Low to Medium Conflict

The Common Sense Divorce

Bundled Mediation Plan

For couples who committed to working together to keep the separation out of the court system, keeping costs manageable and keeping the acrimony low.

The Common Sense Divorce

Bundled Financial Mediation Plan
$6995 Each Per Spouse
  • Financial Disclosure & Review
  • Client Care & Support Services
  • 4 Mediation Sessions
  • Home Services Session
  • CDFA Financial Session
  • Separation Memo Plan (MOU)
  • Lawyer-Drafted Separation Agreement
  • Independent Legal Review
  • Signing Session
  • Divorce Court Application
  • Simple Will/Estate Planning
  • Access to Lunch & Learns
  • Add-ons
  • Divorce Coaching
  • Divorce Decree Application & Fees
  • Simple Tax Return
  • Payment Plans Available

Lawyer-Led Negotiations

Litigation Retainer

Solo and/or High Conflict Separations

Lawyer Led Negotiations

Litigation Retainer

Some situations require the attention of a Litigation Lawyer or perhaps your spouse is unwilling to consider Mediation. Lawyer Led-Negotiations are for solo individuals or High conflict couples that require the full assistance of a litigation lawyer.

Lawyer Led Negotiations

Starting at $9995 Per Spouse
  • Financial Disclosure & Review
  • Home Services Session
  • Client Care & Support Services
  • Family Lawyer Retainer
  • Add-ons
  • Divorce Coaching
  • Additional Legal Hours (Discounted)
  • CDFA Financial & Tax Session
  • Lawyer-Drafted Separation Agreement
  • Divorce Court Application
  • Divorce Decree Application & Fees

What Makes The Common Sense Divorce UNIQUE

Divorce is more than just a legal process—it’s a life transition.

The Common Sense Divorce© offers a unique, integrated family law approach that addresses not just the legal aspects, but also the financial, emotional, and practical realities faced by families. From real estate and mortgages to wills and estate planning, our expert team works together to minimize conflict and guide you toward a fresh start.

Industry-Leading Family Law Professionals

Solution Specialists

Mediators, Lawyers, Financial, Therapeutic Professionals

Industry Leaders - Collaboratively trained to work together.

Client Care
Support Services


Client Care Support Teams and Divorce Coaching Services that will carry you as a couple AND as an individual through to the end of your process.


Where Will I Live?

Strategizing Real Estate in today's market is crucial to your future's well-being.

Our Home Services Team of Realtors , Mortgage Brokers and Real Estate Lawyers understand Family Law and will help you implement the best strategies and solutions for your home.


Finalize Your New Will

In our regular life, Wills were often avoided. Your separation means its time to create or update your Will and Estate Planning.

Your new Will is taken care of before you sign your Separation Agreement.


How Do I Keep My Home?

Navigating Mortgages is one of the greatest challenges of Family Law. Our Home Services Mortgage Team works with Banks and Lenders across Canada to find creative solutions for those wanting to keep their homes or purchase new homes.

Savvy Financial Expertise

Understand Your Money

Navigating Financial Disclosure, Support Payments, Mortgage Penalties and Tax Implications takes expertise. Our Divorce Financial Professionals walk you through even the most challenging of financial negotiations.

Virtual & Online Technologies

Virtual Innovation Has Changed Family Law

Online Technology allows for flexible meetings, access to more professional resources and remote solutions.

Income Taxes

Filing Your Taxes

Filing your tax returns will look different after your divorce. Access our Income Tax Department to simplify your first filing.

Process Tracker©


Process Tracker© technologies help you know where you are in your separation process, understand each step, and navigate decisions.



The Common Sense Divorce© has assisted thousands of Canadian families to better navigate their separation and divorce.

We have created and implemented negotiation solutions that were not possible in traditional legal settings.

Unique, innovative and a financially smarter solutions with a focus on helping families leave acrimony behind and move forward to New Beginnings.

Understanding Divorce Costs in Ontario: Apples to Apples

Family Mediation Prices Divorce Ontario

When you are researching and making decisions regarding legal processes, it is important to understand the real costs involved.

Typically, the least expensive legal process (and fastest) will be family mediation, and then, collaborative law.  The most expensive process will always be a traditional litigation lawyer, especially if court is involved.

Many, if not most lawyers, mediators and financial professionals will bill you “by the hour” which is then broken down by a minimum of “6 minute increments.”  For example if a professional’s billable rate is $400 per hour, then each “6 minute increment” will cost you $40. If you spoke to them on the phone for 10 minutes you will be billed for two “6 minute increments” or $80.

Typically a lawyer’s hourly rate is reflective of how many years they have been practising law.  A more expensive rate does not automatically mean they are a better lawyer.  It means they have been practising longer.

Conversely a cheaper professional does not mean you will save money.  A professional charging $250 per hour may need 10 hours to complete what a $400 professional could accomplish in 5 hours.

Not all Family Mediators are lawyers and not all Family Lawyers make good mediators. Mediation is a very specific skillset and what makes one a good lawyer does not always make one a good mediator. Mediators who are lawyers will be more expensive.

Not all legal price quotes will include everything that will be required to get you to completion.  In all processes you will always pay for the professionals involved. 

But not all pricing clearly indicates if you will also be required to pay for necessary services such as financial disclosure, agreement drafting, document sharing, disbursements, reviews, communications, Court fees, or as is the case with mediation, Independent Legal Advice (ILA) at the end of your process.  Be sure to fully understand what is included in the price and what is not.

A retainer does not mean the final price.  A retainer is the amount paid as a deposit on the work to be accomplished on your behalf.  It is not unusual for a professional to require you to “top up” the retainer two or three times.

Deciding on a legal process should not be based on price alone.  The best process is the process that works best for your family.  Make your decisions based on the realities of your situation, the qualifications of the professionals involved and ultimately what is a good fit for you and your situation.


How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario