How to Tell Your Partner that You Want a Divorce
Often people come to the end of a relationship on different timelines. If you’ve been considering divorce for a while, you’ve had time to wrap your head around the idea. Your partner probably has not. You need to give them some leeway.
What to Expect When You Call The Common Sense Divorce
If you are considering divorce, call The Common Sense Divorce FIRST to find out how our Divorce process can help you avoid costly mistakes and get your separation process started off on the right foot.
What is The Common Sense Divorce?
Asking your self what The Common Sense Divorce process is all about? The Common Sense Divorce has Three Steps. Watch this video for more information…
How to Know If Your Marriage is Over
Have you uncoupled from your spouse? Are you doing everything as separate individuals? When was the last time you sat down and had a conversation with your mate? If you don’t seem to have any relationship with your mate any more, maybe you’re not actually married anymore – just haven’t gone through the divorce yet.
Avoid These Dumb Divorce Mistakes
People make all sorts of costly divorce mistakes. Many are the result from a lack of good old-fashioned common sense fuelled by unrestrained emotions.