What is The Common Sense Divorce?

Asking your self what The Common Sense Divorce process is all about? The Common Sense Divorce has Three Steps. Watch this video for more information…
How to Know If Your Marriage is Over

Have you uncoupled from your spouse? Are you doing everything as separate individuals? When was the last time you sat down and had a conversation with your mate? If you don’t seem to have any relationship with your mate any more, maybe you’re not actually married anymore – just haven’t gone through the divorce yet.
Avoid These Dumb Divorce Mistakes

People make all sorts of costly divorce mistakes. Many are the result from a lack of good old-fashioned common sense fuelled by unrestrained emotions.
Gail Speaks with Common Sense Divorce Client: ‘Daphne’

Common Sense Divorce Client ‘Daphne’ is in a situation where her husband had left her suddenly and moved across the country. She realized that all of the matrimonial debt was in her name to the tune of almost one million dollars in debt.
10 Reasons to Finalize Your Uncontested Divorce

Many people Separate, but do not actually complete the Uncontested Divorce process. There are a number of reasons to finalize your divorce, but here are a few notable reasons that you may not have thought of.
Ask the Expert: Splitting Sales Tax in your Spending Analysis

“On my Spending Analysis, how should I split the sales tax on multi-category receipts?” Gail Vaz-Oxlade provides her “Ask The Expert” advice.
Child Expenses in A New Relationship

Child Expenses in a New Relationship Ask The Expert: Child Expenses in A New Relationship J Writes: I am a single mom and have decided to take the next step with my boyfriend. We are moving in together. I know that couples are supposed to split finances when moving in together. They split it by […]
Divorce in Ontario The Gail Vaz-Oxlade Way

Divorce in Ontario The Gail Vaz-Oxlade Way Divorce in Ontario can be a daunting and complicated matter. In the confusion and emotional hysteria, it’s easy to let money slip through your fingers. Did you know that Canada has one of the highest divorce rates in the world? Forty percent of Canadian marriages end in divorce. […]