Quarantined With A Spouse When Separation Is On The Horizon

Dealing with the prospect of a separation & divorce is hard enough, let alone when everyone is under quarantine and forced to break the routines of our daily lives.
The Cost of Divorce

The Cost of Divorce Should I Pay For My Spouse’s Divorce Fees? You and your spouse have recently made the decision to separate. You’ve done your research and have settled on a family mediation as the process you want to use to create your separation agreement. But what do you do when the cost of […]
Family Mediation Costs Less Than Divorce Court

Family Mediation or Divorce Court? According to a recent Bank of Montreal InvestorLine study, the average cost of a wedding in Canada hovers around $31,110, honeymoon not included. Once the price of raising children is factored in, estimated at over $200,000 per child (don’t forget college or university education!), the cost of starting a family […]
What is Mediation?

Mediation is a more amicable divorce process where you and your spouse can together seek the assistance of a neutral family professional who will help you to create a Separation Agreement without going to court. Mediation is usually the fastest and most cost-effective divorce process and tends to help individuals to be better co-parents and […]
The Benefits of Keeping Your Divorce Out of Court

Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging chapter in life, marked by emotional turmoil, tough decisions, and significant life changes. While it’s natural for divorcing couples to envision a courtroom battle as the default path, there’s a growing awareness of the transformative benefits that come with keeping a divorce out of court. 1. Preservation of Amicable Relationships: […]
Importance of Cooperation During the Separation Process

People think of divorce as a legal issue only but for many, divorce is a financial issue and there are financial repercussions for those that don’t plan.
Ontario Separation Agreements

Ontario Separation Agreements do not need to be dealt with in court in order to settle arrangements between you and your spouse.
How Do You Know If Your Marriage is Over?

How do you know if your marriage is over or finally reached the point of no return? Every marriage is different, but here are 10 questions to ask yourself.
Divorce, Mediation and Domestic Violence

The legal realities of divorce in Ontario, divorce mediation and its benefits for separating couples, and recognizing/getting out of an abusive relationship.
Don’t Skimp on the Lawyer

No matter how tempted you may be to “keep the divorce lawyer out of it,” don’t put your faith in an office-supply-store separation agreement kit.