How to Tell Your Partner that You Want a Divorce

Often people come to the end of a relationship on different timelines. If you’ve been considering divorce for a while, you’ve had time to wrap your head around the idea. Your partner probably has not. You need to give them some leeway.

What is The Common Sense Divorce?

Asking your self what The Common Sense Divorce process is all about? The Common Sense Divorce has Three Steps. Watch this video for more information…

How to Know If Your Marriage is Over

Have you uncoupled from your spouse? Are you doing everything as separate individuals? When was the last time you sat down and had a conversation with your mate? If you don’t seem to have any relationship with your mate any more, maybe you’re not actually married anymore – just haven’t gone through the divorce yet.

5 Reasons Why Family Mediation WORKS!

BLOG: Divorce Mediation WORKS if you and your spouse are willing to work together on a separation agreement that benefits everyone, including your kids.

Divorce is NOT about Winning

a close-up of a man shaking hands

All too often, couples who ‘duke it out’ in court fixate almost entirely on the ‘winning’ aspect. People fight their partner in court over a multitude of reasons – anger, pride, principles, revenge, or just because they think they’re supposed to! Instead of seeing divorce as a battle, you need to look at divorce as an agreement that allows both parties to move on in a way that both find fair and benefit the kids.

Family Mediation in A Hostile Divorce?

Family Mediation in A Hostile Divorce?

The Money Smart Divorce Solution Legal, Binding & Enforceable Separation Agreements Ask the Expert: Can we consider Family Mediation when there is hostility? Question: “My wife and I are proceeding with divorce.  I would like to consider divorce mediation, as it strikes me as the better way of moving forward, but to be honest, we […]

Divorce in Ontario The Gail Vaz-Oxlade Way

Divorce Checklist

Divorce in Ontario The Gail Vaz-Oxlade Way Divorce in Ontario can be a daunting and complicated matter. In the confusion and emotional hysteria, it’s easy to let money slip through your fingers. Did you know that Canada has one of the highest divorce rates in the world? Forty percent of Canadian marriages end in divorce. […]


“How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario”

This Wednesday, February 19th @ 12 noon


How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario