Webinar: How to Mend a Broken Heart

If you are facing divorce and recovering from a broken heart, counselor/therapist Tracy Friedman gives her insights and strategies to overcome the grief.

Don’t Skimp on the Lawyer

christian divorce

No matter how tempted you may be to “keep the divorce lawyer out of it,” don’t put your faith in an office-supply-store separation agreement kit.

Should You Share Your PIN with Your Spouse?

Full Mediation Prices

Sharing your PIN? Money can be about power, emotion, morality, and security, among other things. How does money work with a spouse? Melisssa Leong asked financial experts about this financial quandary.

Why You Should Opt For a Common Sense Divorce

We’ve been conditioned to believe the divorce process has to be both litigious and expensive. But it doesn’t have to be either of those things. If we applied some common sense — putting the beginning of our next chapter ahead of the retaliation we feel for ending the last chapter — it could be a much smoother process.


How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario