If you think your divorce can only be resolved through an all-out court battle (Acrimony), you’re buying into the myth that divorce has a winner and a loser;
There’s no such thing as a winner in divorce. It’s not even about winning. In reality it’s just a matter of whether or not you want your family to lose (eg. children watching their parents fight, family and friends being forced to choose a side, living on the depleted financial resources once the court battle is over, etc.).
The alternative is to accept responsibility for the job of making your life (and your kids’ lives) work. That means cooperation with your spouse.
Cooperation does not mean “No conflict.”
The end of any significant relationship is bound to involve intense emotional turmoils that often make it difficult for two individuals to resolve issues fairly without professional assistance. But a commitment to cooperation does mean you are committed to working together to come to a fair and equitable agreement.
You’re going to have to work WITH your spouse instead of AGAINST them. This beats the pants off the traditionally adversarial legal system where you are pitted against your spouse as you each try to squeeze, bully and coerce the best possible deal for yourself through your “mouthpieces” (your lawyers).
The Common Sense Divorce is a specialized mediation process that specifically emphasises the financial aspect of your separation so you can be comfortable that you are making smart financial decisions for you and your children, properly planning for your financial future and making sure you are not paying unnecessary CRA taxes because of a poorly prepared Separation Agreement.
“How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario”
This Wednesday, February 19th @ 12 noon