Divorce in Ontario The Gail Vaz-Oxlade Way

Divorce in Ontario can be a daunting and complicated matter. In the confusion and emotional hysteria, it’s easy to let money slip through your fingers.

Did you know that Canada has one of the highest divorce rates in the world? Forty percent of Canadian marriages end in divorce. The impact for a family – even a family of two – can be emotionally devastating, but also it can be devastating financially. In fact One-third of all people facing bankruptcy are there because they are also going through a divorce in Ontario or a separation.

According to a recent survey of Canadian Lawyers, the average cost of a traditional contested divorce in Canada is $23,730. With over 70,000 divorces annually, Canadians are spending a whopping amount of money on divorce.

Divorce is one of life’s curve-balls that has people twisting in the wind, feeling out of control and scared about what to do next. The thing that I always understood is this: If you go into a divorce with 12 oranges, you’re going to end up giving some of those oranges to the legal system.

But YOU don’t have to. YOU need to decide up front how many of those oranges you’re prepared to part with. The team of experts at The Common Sense Divorce can help you make sense of what you must do next, even as you preserve your assets as you create a new future for yourself and your family.

Divorce doesn’t have to be filled with fury and financial disaster. Yes, emotions are running high.  And it seems that everyone has an opinion about what you should or should not do.  Even as your stress levels hit the stratosphere – even as you try to keep all the balls in the air – you’re being asked to make really tough decisions. The end of a marriage should not end with a financial melt-down

Here’s the thing.  We all need some help moving to our “logical place” because unchecked emotional reactions are going to cost YOU money!  Imagine a team of professionals that can prepare you and walk with you as you journey through to your next stage of life? This is where The Common Sense Divorce team comes in.

It’s tough knowing where to start. It’s challenging deciding whom to accept advice from. Above all you want to protect yourself and your children. And you want to have a solid foundation on which to build your new life.

The Common Sense Divorce team of experts is committed to helping you make the process less intimidating, less destructive and, ultimately, less costly.  The Common Sense Divorce plan addresses the main challenges connected with divorce today: working out your legal settlements, establishing your financial independence and coming to a resolution without blowing all your money on the legal process.

You don’t have to flounder and feel out of control as you deal with this big change in your life. The Common Sense Divorce team of professionals will help you make your separation plan. We’ll help you to understand the process of separation and divorce in Ontario, set realistic expectations, and protect your financial integrity so you can start your new life on the right foot.

~ Gail Vaz-Oxlade


“How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario”

This Wednesday, February 19th @ 12 noon


How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario