Have you uncoupled from your spouse? Are you doing everything as separate individuals? When was the last time you sat down and had a conversation with your mate? If you don’t seem to have any relationship with your mate any more – you just haven’t gone through the divorce yet.
We come into relationships (usually) on the same page. Over time, our feelings can shift and change. If you and your mate no longer feel the same way morally, ethically or even about your lifestyle, then it may be time to note that you are walking different paths. As individuals, you may need to do it separately.
If you are considering separating or getting a divorce, call us first to find out how The Common Sense Divorce Three-Step Approach can help you avoid costly mistakes and get your separation process started off on the right foot.
Call 1-866-748-6363
“How Divorce REALLY Works in Ontario”
This Wednesday, February 19th @ 12 noon