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Should You Share Your PIN With Your Spouse?

By Melissa Leong | Financial Post | October 11, 2014

Melisssa Leong asked financial experts about this financial quandary. Darren Gingras, president of The Common Sense Divorce says:
“Throughout our lives, we will be asked to trust others with our valuables. Doing so may mean that someone will show you their love through their respect or someone you love may betray your trust and you could be on the hook for their lack of self-control.  So if you’re thinking of sharing your PIN with your spouse (or anyone else), take note: one way or the other, you will end up with either a life-long confidant or simply a long-life lesson.”
Read the rest of the article below.
When it comes to money decisions, it can be hard to figure out the right thing to do. Money is about power, emotion, morality, and security, among other things. So in this space, we gather experts to weigh in on a financial quandary. This week’s question: Should you give your husband or wife the PIN?

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Separation Agreement. Tv's Gail Vaz-Oxlade from Til Dept Do us Part.

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